
Protecting Your Piano During Relocation: Tips from the Pros

Relocating a piano is a delicate task that requires precision, care, and expertise. Whether you’re moving across town or across the country, ensuring the safety of your prized instrument is paramount. To achieve this, hiring professional piano movers in NYC who specialize in the art of piano relocation is essential. These experts bring the necessary experience, equipment, and techniques to ensure your piano arrives at its new home in perfect condition. Here are some professional tips on protecting your piano during relocation, with insights on how to best collaborate with piano movers in NYC.

  1. Choose the Right Piano Movers

Not all moving companies are equipped to handle the unique challenges of moving a piano. It’s crucial to select piano movers in NYC who have a proven track record of successfully relocating pianos. These professionals understand the intricacies of different types of pianos, from uprights to grands, and have the specialized equipment and knowledge needed to transport them safely.

  1. Secure Proper Packing Materials

One of the first steps in protecting your piano is to ensure it is properly packed and secured. Professional piano movers will use specialized padding, wraps, and covers designed to protect the piano’s finish, keys, pedals, and all moving parts. They’ll also employ a piano board or skid board, which is crucial for safely moving a grand piano.

  1. Ensure Adequate Insurance Coverage

Even with the best preparation, it’s important to have adequate insurance coverage when moving a piano. Discuss insurance options with your chosen moving company to ensure your piano is protected against any unforeseen circumstances during the move. Reliable moving companies will offer various insurance plans to cover potential damages.

  1. Prepare the Piano for Moving

Before the movers arrive, make sure your piano is ready to be moved. This involves locking the keyboard lid to protect the keys and ensuring that any loose items or decorations are removed from the piano. Your moving professionals will handle the rest, including properly securing the piano lid and other components.

  1. Plan the Route

Piano movers will assess both your current and new locations to plan the safest and most efficient route for moving the piano. This includes measuring doorways, staircases, and elevators to ensure the piano can be moved without any issues. Clear any obstacles that might hinder the moving process, allowing for a smooth exit and entrance.

  1. Temperature and Humidity Control

Pianos are sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, which can affect their tuning and overall condition. Discuss with your movers the best ways to minimize exposure to extreme conditions during transport. Once the piano arrives at its new location, give it time to acclimate before tuning it.

  1. After the Move

After your piano has been safely relocated, allow it some time to adjust to its new environment before using it. It’s recommended to wait a few weeks before tuning, as the instrument needs time to settle. If any issues arise post-move, contact your piano movers for advice and assistance.


Moving a piano is a complex process that demands expertise and careful planning. By hiring experienced piano movers in NYC, you can ensure your instrument is in good hands. These professionals not only have the skills and tools needed for a safe relocation but also offer valuable advice on how to protect your piano throughout the moving process. Remember, the key to a successful piano move is preparation, protection, and choosing the right partners for the job.