
Few Signs that Your Carpet Needs A Professional Cleaning

Every homeowner and company owner understands they should have their carpets professionally cleaned on a regular basis, yet they almost always put it off. Residential carpets should ideally be cleaned once a year, and commercial carpets must be cleaned every six months. However, in actuality, most people miss these targets.

If you maintain your carpet regularly, you might not immediately be able to determine when professional carpet cleaning would be necessary. But eventually, you will begin to notice a couple of these indicators that it is time to hire experts.

Look for the following signs to decide when you need to call for professional carpet maintenance in Lexington KY.

  • Odor

If you have ever entered your home and smelt anything off, you know there is a problem. Usually, after taking out their trash, people completely forget about it. However, your carpet can be the source of that odor.

Call a professional if you continue to smell something unpleasant after emptying the garbage and cleaning the refrigerator. Under your feet and nose could be the culprit!

  • Discoloration

Your carpets’ color will gradually deteriorate due to foot activity and normal wear and tear. The accumulation of dirt in between the carpet threads is what causes this dulling effect. Fortunately, a thorough cleaning will bring back your carpet’s color and quality.

  • Visible stain or damage

On carpets, stains and dirty paw prints leave their mark. Stains must be removed immediately if noticed.

The stain has a greater possibility of setting the longer you wait. Your initial instinct might be to let the stain dry, but doing so will actually cause the stain to set and irreparably harm your carpet. Call the professionals if pet stains have become deeply embedded and won’t come out with treatment, blotting, or drying.

  • Allergies

It could be time to look at your carpet if you are congested and sniffy in the middle of winter. Your flooring may gradually become covered in pollen and other environmental detritus over the year, which encourages the growth of allergens there.

Additionally, your carpet may become contaminated by dirt, insect spores, dead skin, and even pet dander. Make another appointment if it has been more than a year since your last professional clean. Your sinuses will appreciate it.

  • Don’t remember when you cleaned last

It is time to hire a reputable carpet cleaning service if you cannot recall the last time you did it. To prevent allergens, unneeded carpet damage, and unpleasant odors, make sure to schedule routine cleanings every 12 – 48 months.

Additionally, maintaining your carpets’ cleanliness on a regular basis can actually increase their lifespan. Make sure you are taking good care of your carpets because replacing them might be expensive.

Carpets also require care! Plan a professional rug cleaning once a year to ensure that you are providing your carpets the attention they require. If you have not kept up with maintenance, you won’t be able to use your carpet’s guarantee if you do in the future.