Home Improvement

The Top Advantages of Using Pool Safety Nets

Pool safety nets are barriers designed to prevent pets and children from falling into the pool when no one is around. Made from durable material, these nets are hung on anchors or hooks above the pool and tensioned so that anyone who falls on them will not sink into the water. While other methods can also keep children and pets safe near your pool, pool safety nets offer six key benefits:

Easy Installation and Maintenance

Installing and maintaining pool safety nets is straightforward for pool maintenance professionals. Installation typically involves securing a brass bolt into the cement every two feet, although some pool designs might require different spacing or methods. These nets are low-maintenance because they are made from strong, durable materials. Just keep them clean and free of tangles when stored. This won’t affect the net’s durability but will make it easier to deploy over the pool when needed.

Versatile Fit for Any Pool

Pool safety nets can be fitted to any pool, no matter its size or shape. The size and shape of the pool may influence the type of central tension system used to keep the net tight while in use.

Designed for Safety

Pool safety nets are robust enough to support a child and two adults without breaking. They will securely hold your children and pets, provided the net isn’t overwhelmed by too many kids jumping on it at once.


Generally, pool safety nets are less expensive than other safety options like fences and covers. This is because they use less material and are simpler to install.

Unobtrusive Safety Features

These nets are not visible above the ground and won’t obstruct your view. You can enjoy the aesthetics of your yard and landscaping around the pool while still benefiting from the added security of the net.

This post was written by a professional at Clear Tech Pools. Clear Tech Pools offers Pool Remodeling Sarasota FL. Our company was founded by local residents on the principles of hard work, exceptional customer service and a focused attitude. It is these qualities, along with our outstanding performance that keeps our customers satisfied. We have built, renovated and serviced thousands of pools in the area, and we have a long list of references available for all of our services upon request. Our staff of professional technicians have extensive training for fast and efficient service. We maintain our excellent reputation for quality by maintaining friendly relationships with our customers.