Tired of running out of hot water or waiting endlessly for the shower to heat up? Are energy bills and water waste from constantly reheating your traditional tank water heater draining your wallet? Unlimited hot water is available with an on-demand hot water system.
Endless hot water on tap
The number one advantage of tankless on-demand water heaters is a virtually limitless supply of hot water available whenever you need it. On-demand heaters only heat water as required versus maintaining a full tank constantly heated. This eliminates running out of hot water even with back-to-back showers, baths, laundry, and dishwashing. On-demand water heating saves homeowners 15-25% on energy bills by avoiding standby heat loss from stored tank water. Gas on-demand units utilize power-venting which makes them up to 95% efficient in heating water when needed. No energy gets wasted heating water you aren’t using.
Reduced water waste
With a tank heater, homeowners waste 2-4 gallons of water daily waiting for heated water to reach fixtures. Recirculating pump systems reduce this waste but consume energy. With instant continuous hot water from an on-demand heater, no water gets wasted waiting for hot. Beyond utility bill savings, on-demand heaters cost less to operate overall. No electricity is required to power venting or controls. Maintenance is minimal without sediment buildup issues that tank heaters are prone to. On-demand units have a lifespan of up to twice as long as tank heaters. Units are mounted on walls and require no bulky storage tank or large vent pipes. Outdoor and indoor wall-mounted units work well for retrofits and constrained spaces like attics and garages where tank heaters can’t fit.
Frees up space
Eliminating the substantial footprint of a tank heater and venting clears up added living or storage space. For homeowners needing more room, compact on-demand units offer a sleek, space-saving advantage. Units conveniently fit in closets, on walls, or in other tight spots. While pricier than basic tank heaters initially, on-demand systems offset higher upfront investment long-term via significant energy savings. Purchasing energy-efficient systems will save you even more. Payback is faster with lower operating costs. No heating elements or sacrificial anodes require replacement. No tank lining needs servicing. Simple filter flushes are the main preventative maintenance required. Overall maintenance is less frequent than tank heaters.
Flexible sizing options
Vaucluse plumberon demandsystems scale easily to meet the needs of tiny homes or large households. Compact units as small as 1.5 GPM output work for single bathrooms while large units up to 12 GPM supply whole homes with multiple baths. Customizable for demand. Some on-demand systems allow setting separate temperatures for each zone in a home for custom comfort and additional savings. For example, baths at 105°F while kitchen sinks stay at 120°F for sanitization. While professional installation is recommended, water connections for basic on-demand units are straightforward with some handyman skills. Venting requirements are minimal. Fast retrofitting for DIY helps offset initial costs.