Home Improvement

9 Tips For Improving Wellbeing Through Home Decor  


Much of our happiness comes from the spaces we occupy. We cannot, for example, expect our well-being to flourish if we are not spending time within a living space that makes us feel comfortable, safe, and entertained. As such, we should pay close attention to the way we design our living spaces. The interior designs we choose correctly can improve our moods greatly, helping us to gain a more positive outlook on life. Here are 11 ways that can happen in your own home!

Natural Light

Artificial light is functional but not supportive. Natural light, on the other hand, has an uplifting effect, one that not only helps us to regulate our circadian rhythms but can also help us to feel more connected to nature. So, clear your windows and let in as much light as possible.

Find Your Colour 

Colour identification has long been celebrated. Some feel their personalities are better expressed through bold and bright colours, while others feel at home in the hushed pastels. If your living space is not expressing who you are then it might be time to pick up the paintbrush.

Outdoors Indoors

Bringing nature into the home doesn’t necessarily mean filling your living space with houseplants, although that is a great way to do it. You can also use dried flowers or choose furniture made from natural and organic materials, such as exposed and roughened woods.

Indoors Outdoors

A garden offers significant advantages for those wanting the space to feel connected with nature, which is why log cabins and outbuildings are becoming more popular. These structures allow residents to enjoy their outdoor space all year-round, being sheltered and warm while still in the midst of their garden spaces.

Insulate Sound

Insulating a home to prevent exterior noise can help to reduce stress, especially in urban areas. We might not realise how much the sound of passersby and traffic can affect us but, over time, it can have dramatic effects on our daily wellbeing.

Blackout Curtains

Light pollution is another one of those external factors that can affect our wellbeing. Sleep, for example, is much less likely to leave us feeling rejuvenated if it is disrupted by bright lights. It is often the case that those who try blackout curtains soon find they don’t sleep as comfortably without them.

Digital Distance

Most of us will have installed phone chargers by our bedsides. These are functional decisions that can simultaneously have an adverse effect on our sleep, disrupting our circadian rhythms and keeping us awake longer. Try keeping your phones away from your bed and see how your sleep improves!


Knowing that your home is doing good for the planet is a great way to lift your wellbeing. There are a number of ways to live in an environmentally friendly way and it can start in the home, with eco-friendly paints, solar panels, and even compost bins.

Hide Clutter

A messy living space leads to a messy mind. Clear away your clutter and embrace the Marie Kondo mentality of only what brings you happiness. This doesn’t necessarily mean getting rid of your belongings, simply conceal them with clever storage solutions instead.