
6 Space-Saving Ideas for Small Bedrooms

Let us guess – you have a bedroom with not a lot of square footage? You did everything in your power to make it look (and feel) bigger – you bought smaller-sized furniture, you decluttered, you kept your walls white, etc. And, now, you are wondering if are there some other space-saving ideas for small bedrooms to try. There are! And they are called a creative organization and strategic styling. With these, you can turn any small room into a beautiful, functional, and comfortable space.

Thus, don’t worry. No matter how small your bedroom is – there is a solution. And, today, we have 6 solutions for you. That is, we have 6 space-saving ideas for small bedrooms. So, keep on reading to see what you can do with your small bedroom easily and cheaply.

  1. Make the Most of Alcoves 

Before we start talking about how alcoves are the best space-saving ideas for small bedrooms, let us first explain what an alcove actually is. Namely, an alcove is a small space in a room usually tucked in between strangely shaped walls and even stranger corners. It would appear that alcoves are completely useless, but there is a way to use them to your advantage.

For instance, you can use an alcove to build a floor-to-ceiling wardrobe. Or, you can build a bookshelf and fill it with all the things that were cluttering your room. Moreover, you can think outside of the box and create a custom-made table there – a table you can use for studying, working, or any hobby you have.

However, have in mind that because alcoves are so strangely shaped parts of a room, you will need to get custom-made furniture. Yes, custom-made furniture is a bit more expensive, but at the same time, the same custom-made furniture will give you a piece of mind. So, don’t run away from it.


  1. Go Vertical 

When it comes to small bedrooms – you have to go vertical. That is, you have to mount things onto your walls. So, look at empty walls in your bedroom – is there a place where you can add a shelf? There probably is. If there is more space, you can add bigger cabinets. And, if there is less space, even a couple of hangers can help you save some space.

Moreover, make sure to use that vertical space properly. Don’t just fill it with unnecessary junk. Whether you like it or not – living in small homes may turn you into a minimalist. But, don’t worry, if you are not ready to become one yet, consider finding a temporary storage solution for your excess stuff. According to experts from Excalibur Moving and Storage, placing stuff in storage is the best to save some space in your home, and more importantly, to learn what can you live without.

  1. Choose the Right Bedside Table 

Yes, having a bedside table is a must. But, having a table for working and studying is also a must. Having both of these in one small room might not be smart if you are trying to save some space. Thus, one of the best space-saving ideas for small bedrooms we can give you is to combine these two into one.

If you put your work/study table right next to your bed, it can easily become your bedside table too. On there, you can put all the things you typically need on your table, and in its drawers, you can put the stuff from the bedside table, for example.

  1. Replace Your Chairs for Ottomans 

Speaking of tables, what kind of chairs are you using for them? If you have something bulky, throw it out instantly. Your chairs are the easiest thing to replace. But, don’t replace them for something a bit less bulky, no. Instead, go for an ottoman.

Ottomans are small chairs that don’t take up a lot of space. However, they are also pieces of furniture that can serve as small coffee tables, storage solutions (as they can open), and extra sitting spots for when somebody comes over. And, the best part about the is that they come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and materials, so finding one that suits your small bedroom is going to be easy.

  1. Bring Your Bed Up 

Maybe your bedroom is small? But, is it tall? If it is, that will allow you to bring your bed up. Imagine having twin beds, but instead of having one bed under the other, you can have just one bed up and free space under. The things you can do with that space are limitless – you can build a closet there, use it for working and studying, create a mini sitting area, etc.

However, keep in mind that making and installing this kind of furniture piece is not easy. Professional carpenters will need time and energy to build it, and they will need an empty room to work with while installing it. Thus, if you opt for this space-saving idea, consider finding a unit and keeping your items there until they are done.

  1. Clean up Your Floor 

One of the last but certainly not the least space-saving ideas for small bedrooms we are going to give you is to clean up your floors. If the floors of your small bedroom are cluttered and messy, the whole room will look like that as well. So, pick up what you can. Smaller and more important items you should put on your custom headboard or a shelf for example. And, the stuff you don’t need – just let it hit the bin.

Moreover, reevaluate the things you have on your floor décor-wise. Carpets, for instance, may not be a perfect choice if you have a small bedroom as they will clutter the space even more.

We hope that these space-saving ideas for small bedrooms gave you some inspiration to transform your little ‘sanctuary’. But, don’t stop here – keep exploring. The internet is full of solutions for these kinds of problems.

Meta Description: Looking for some space-saving ideas for small bedrooms? Look no more – here are 6 of them.

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