HVAC Contractor

7 Easy Tricks To Increase The Efficiency Of Your Home’s Heating And Air Conditioning System! 

There’s no denying that heating and air conditioning systems use a ton of a home’s overall energy output. In many ways, our HVAC systems are our biggest household expenditures when it comes to energy costs, which is why it’s so important for homeowners to be vigilant about increasing their household’s overall efficiency. 

The good news is that there are all sorts of easy things homeowners can do when it comes to increasing HVAC efficiency, and below are 7 easy tricks to keep in mind when you’re looking for more cost-effective solutions to your home’s energy usage! 

Adjusting Your HVAC System’s Thermostat Settings 

Sometimes you can simply adjust your HVAC system’s thermostat by about 5-6 degrees based upon the current season, and this subtle adjustment can make a dramatic difference in terms of how much overall energy your system exudes. 

This will then lead to less strain on your system, as well as lower monthly utility bills. Today’s homeowners should also consider upgrading to smart thermostats, because these tech-savvy advancements are making it easier to customize a home’s temperature readings on a room-to-room basis. Smart thermostats are also making it possible to reduce your energy output when you’re not at home! 

Pay Close Attention To Your Home’s Blinds & Curtains 

It may not seem like a lot, but you can actually save a ton of energy simply by closing your curtains and blinds during the summer months. This is because you’ll be decreasing your air conditioner’s overall load, and the opposite goes for the winter months and keeping your blinds open to let more sunlight into your home. 

Consistently Clearing Your System’s Condensate Drain Line 

Your HVAC system’s drain line will vary depending upon where exactly your system is located, but no matter where the drain line is, you’re going to need to take care of it in order to avoid clogs and other HVAC repairs. 

All you may really need to do is occasionally check your system’s condensate drain line to ensure that everything is running smoothly and efficiently. This is an easy HVAC maintenance task that homeowners can do on their own, so keep an eye on your drain lines! 

Properly Insulating Your Home & Sealing Any Air Leaks 

If your home’s ductwork runs through unconditioned areas like your attic spaces, you should make sure you’re preventing air leaks and sealing up your home’s insulation as much as possible. You’ll likely also need to have your home’s ductwork professionally inspected during your HVAC maintenance appointments.

Inadequate insulation often leads to HVAC inefficiencies, which then leads to higher energy bills. So you can actually improve your system’s efficiency by simply trapping your home’s cool and warm air via insulation installations. 

Thoroughly Cleaning The Condenser Unit 

Your HVAC system’s condenser unit is often located outside, and it’ll always run more efficiently when it’s been properly cleaned. You should try to keep your HVAC system area free of debris, which includes frequently trimming any nearby bushes. 

Unblocking Indoor Vents 

It’s also important to guarantee that your indoor vents aren’t being blocked, and you’ll be surprised by just how much furniture and other household equipment will block airflow and decrease your HVAC system’s overall performance. 

You’ll also need to remember to change out your air filters at least every couple of months as well. 

Scheduling Routine Maintenance Checkups 

The very best thing you can do for your home’s heating and air conditioning is to schedule maintenance checkups with your local HVAC specialists. Having professionals come to your home on a regular basis will go a really long way in terms of maintaining the overall efficiency and longevity of your system’s performance. 

It’s a serious problem when people don’t take care of their HVAC systems until serious repairs are needed, so you can actually save a lot of money by preventing repairs with professional preventative maintenance! 

Reach Out To The Heating And Air Conditioning Experts At Beehive Heating & Air To Learn More Homeowner Tips! 

The above tips are a great starting point for homeowners when it comes to HVAC maintenance and upkeep, and you can always learn more tricks and tips by speaking with experienced HVAC professionals. 

The heating and air conditioning specialists at Beehive Heating & Air are just a couple clicks away when you go through the hyperlink to their website located at the top of this page, so reach out to them and let them know what your HVAC system is currently going through!