Home Improvement

Larry Starr From Sarasota Offers Tips For Preparing a Property to be Sold

Selling your property? If so, check out what Larry Starr of Sarasota has to say.

Selling a property can be stressful, and if you don’t take the right steps, you may miss out on some money. Fortunately, Larry Starr, a real estate expert based in Sarasota, has some tips to share for selling your home or other property.

“You want to get yourself in the right mindset,” Larry Starr says. “Remember, a little bit of extra work now, a small investment, that might help you pull in thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars extra.”

While many people would prefer not to upgrade a home that they know they’ll be selling in the near future, a quick paint job can refreshen your home quite a bit without costing a lot.

“Paint is always a wise idea,” Larry Starr says. “That’s especially true if your paint is old and your walls are dirty. Likewise, if the colors are out of fashion, you’ll want to bring them up to date.”

Another cheap fix is installing new curtains, which go a long way towards tying a room together. Some cheap rugs and other low-cost decorations can also improve the look and feel of your home.

“Another smart idea in some situations is to upgrade your furniture,” Larry Starr of Sarasota says. “If you’re not moving far and you already know what type of furniture you’ll need for your new home, buying the furniture now and redecorating the home to be sold can improve the look and feel. At the same time, you can bring your furniture to your new home after the old one sells.”

One of the most important tips, and one of the most obvious yet often overlooked steps, is to clean and declutter your home. You want to put your home in its best light. That means removing clutter, cleaning the floor, making sure the sink is empty, and more.

“It happens far too often, someone wants to sell their home but is too lazy to clean up,” Larry Starr of Sarasota says. “Don’t want to clean yourself? Hire a professional cleaning crew. Then, make sure you keep the house clean in the weeks ahead.”

As the old saying goes, first impressions count. When it comes time to sell your https://www.pinterest.ph/lstarrsarasota/_saved/home, make sure the front porch and front yard are warm, welcoming, and tidy. You’ll want the grass, shrubs, and everything else well maintained and trimmed.

“Some people don’t pay enough attention to their front yard,” Larry Star notes. “That’s a big mistake. Doesn’t matter if you’re selling your home, renting it out, or living in it, a tidy front yard and porch can go a long way.”

Larry Starr Explains Why Renting Out Properties Can Be Better Than Selling

People typically sell homes because they need money. That said, selling your home isn’t the only way to raise funds. You can also rent out your property. This is especially viable if you happen to live in a hot tourist destination like Sarasota.

“Before selling your home, you should see if you can turn it into a vacation rental property. This way, you can create dependable, stable income,” Larry Starr notes. “Don’t want to manage a rental property? You can hire a professional management company that will take care of all the messy details.”As Cash Offers Rise, Here's How First-Time and Financed Buyers Can Compete
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