Home Improvement

Spiders Aren’t as Scary as You Think! Here’s Why!


There’s no doubt that spiders are one of the creepiest creatures on the planet. With their long, spindly legs and venomous fangs, they seem to be made to instill terror into people’s hearts. Even so, spiders aren’t as frightening as you might think! Here are five reasons why spiders aren’t as scary as you think they are! To learn how to keep your home spider-free with Tumwater spider control you visit website!

What does arachnophobia mean?

Just because the word arachnophobia means the fear of spiders, it doesn’t mean that everyone who fears spiders has irrational or hyper-sensitivities to all things spider-related. Generally, arachnophobia is triggered by something specific in your life that you come across, whether it be a past incident with a spider or an incident with someone else’s fear.

The truth about their eight legs and fangs.

A lot of people are afraid of spiders, but they’re not nearly as scary as you might think. We all know that some spiders have fangs and venom to paralyze their prey. But there are many other species out there that don’t have either. Those without venom use their fangs to help them hold onto whatever it is they’re climbing on or in.

Why spiders aren’t as scary?

Some people have an irrational fear of spiders, believing that they are aggressive and just waiting to attack us. And while you may be afraid of these eight-legged critters, the truth is, there are so many things you don’t know about them. Spiders don’t mean any harm to humans– most spiders will not hurt us at all because they can’t bite through our skin.

So why should we spend time learning about spiders? Well, for one thing, they’re fascinating creatures that can teach us a lot about life on Earth. There are more than 38,000 species of spiders and each one has its unique features.


In conclusion,  spiders aren’t as scary as you think they are. They are beneficial in some ways and can be controlled if they become a problem. They can even be used to help the environment. So next time you see a spider in your house or on your property, don’t fear it – let it go about its business! Spider bites are rare but happen from time to time. Thank you for reading!